I got a mail in my inbox about a week ago from Anthony, telling me how to improve my Munin & temp script for a RPi:
I just read your (old) blog post about monitoring the temperature of the Raspberry Pi with munin[1].
I had the exact same error as you did when I was trying to let munin do the job all by himself:
> temp.value VCHI initialization failed)
It turns out the solution was quite easy: in
You simply need to tell munin that it needs to run as root for this specific plugin:
> [pisense_]
> user root
(the plugins also tracks clock speeds and voltages but any other will work just fine as long as the “user root” is set in the munin-node plugin config file : [2]). Probably the easiest way to check if it’s working is to use munin-run command before and after the change.
“Demo”: [3]
By the way, “Connect different LANs over openVPN” is pretty tempting, I always wondered what the performances would be like through a USB-to-ethernet adapter.
Have a nice one !
[1] https://yeri.be/munin-raspberry-pi-temperature
[2] https://github.com/perception101/pisense/blob/master/pisense_
[3] http://ronon.jefter.com/jefter.com/adama.jefter.com/index.html#sensors
And indeed, I knew it was a permission issue, but instead of running this script as root, I tried adding Munin to a group that was supposed to be able to run vcgencmd
(which didn’t work out).
But, let’s look at a simpler solution:
- Go to
and create a filetemp
with this content (and some indentation yourself):#!/bin/sh case $1 in config) cat <<'EOM' graph_category system graph_title Temperature graph_vlabel temp temp.label Celsius EOM exit 0;; esac echo -n "temp.value " /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d "'" -f1
- As you noticed, this doesn’t require any more scripts to run from cron (and thus, in case you used my previous script, remove it from cron)
chmod +x temp
- Make sure it runs as root; in
create the filetemp.conf
with this content:[temp] user root
- Test it:
# munin-run temp temp.value 59.5
Tadaaaa. Simpler.
Thanks Anthony 🙂
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