If you’re using Mastodon with Cloudflare CDN/protection and minify turned on, you’ll notice the site may look broken (after a few visits, when hitting Cloudflare cache).

And you’ll notice errors in the webdev tools similar to Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute, with computed SHA-256 integrity
Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://mastodon.yeri.be/packs/js/common-997d98113e1e433a9a9f.js' with computed SHA-256 integrity 'YgEhHmwjKL88zKfUOMt/qRulYurIuHzhn4SZC9QQ5Mg='. The resource has been blocked.
@yeri:1 Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://mastodon.yeri.be/packs/js/locale_en-f70344940a5a8f625e92.chunk.js' with computed SHA-256 integrity '1VgpQjY/9w/fgRLw1QH2pfzqr36p3hINvg9ahpBiI2U='. The resource has been blocked.
@yeri:1 Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://mastodon.yeri.be/packs/js/public-a52a3460655116c9cf18.chunk.js' with computed SHA-256 integrity 'onh6vHxzykkVgJkiww+OCPk0tKC48KMUD9GVJ8/LKJQ='. The resource has been blocked.
Basically, the sha256 hash doesn’t match the js or css static files.
This happens because Cloudflare minifies those files and thus the hash has been changed.
To get it to work correctly, you’ll need to create a Page Rule via Rules > Page Rules > Create Page Rule
with the following info:

- URL: YourMastodonURL.com/packs/*
- Settings: Auto Minify: off (do not select anything)
- Rocket Loader: slider off

Don’t forget to purge your cache via the dashboard (for the Mastodon domain) via Caching > Custom Purge > Hostname > YourMastodonURL.com
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