Tag: javascript

  • Using Mastodon with Cloudflare

    Using Mastodon with Cloudflare

    If you’re using Mastodon with Cloudflare CDN/protection and minify turned on, you’ll notice the site may look broken (after a few visits, when hitting Cloudflare cache). And you’ll notice errors in the webdev tools similar to Failed to find a valid digest in the ‘integrity’ attribute, with computed SHA-256 integrity: Basically, the sha256 hash doesn’t…

  • Quick reset!

    I’ve added some “quick reset” javascript to the from and to fields. Should be easier to use, if you want to change stations. Hope the link isn’t too small for the iPhone-finger. 🙂 — This is a request for comments ! There also were a little over 1000 visitors yesterday (Thursday) on the website. Not…