Create an abstract illustration of a GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) file, showcasing a network of public transportation routes and stops within a rectangular frame. The routes are color-coded lines, intricately connecting a series of dots that represent the stops. The illustration has a clear, structured layout, with the routes efficiently organized to fit within the rectangular boundary, maintaining an organized and accessible appearance. The style is modern and minimalistic, emphasizing clarity and the interconnected nature of public transit systems.


As iRail’s servers go down once in a while (and contain some legacy files, making it a bit messy), I decided to back up and host the GTFS feeds of Belgian Railway (NMBS), and the 3 Belgian bus companies (De Lijn, TEC and MIVB) at

Every night, around 3am (CET), the GTFS files are uploaded to Cloudflare R2.

I keep the historical files as well (iRail only did this for NMBS, but I’m doing it for all). The latest available GTFS is in */_latest/<file>.zip.

The directory listing is created using Workers.

I’m trying to get access to as well, but so far, they haven’t replied.

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