Category: www

  • PIPA

    Also: Reddit blog.

  • Listen Up

    Thanks to Sphere for the screenshot.

  • The DataTank

  • Yourls + WP plugin

    I came against a problem that my Yourls WordPress plugin refused to generate a short url (it timed out when publishing a post; and it sent a tweet with no url). And when someone visited the post it tried to regenerate a new short url (and this often resulted in 4-5 short urls being created)…

  • Blog’s back

    Yay, after some hardware issues my blog’s back. Zero had a corrupt reiserfs. Decommissioned the old P4 and replaced by a brand new dual Xeon. Running Xen and Debian instead of Gentoo. And shortly there after Four (the server that hosts this VM), the Ubuntu host with Xen refused to start its networking, so I decided to start a fresh…

  • https is win for spam

    Well, here are some stats for a longer period of time since moving to HTTPS. So moving to HTTPS lowered the average from ~1000ish to ~200 spam comments per month (I implemented HTTPS near the end of 2011-02). And yay, for Akismet’s graphs being back. For some reason they’d been broken for ages on this…

  • Google+

  • Feature request: Circles plugin

    A plugin, for WordPress and the likes, to display only content to certain circles. Depending on your current logged in Google profile, looks up whether you’re in one of my approved circles, and depending on the result shows the content. Idem dito for Flickr, Facebook (lololol), LinkedIn, …

  • Shell(s) for my Great Firewall Checker

    As my last shell has been disconnected in China (not because I was probing websites, but because the building the Guruplug was in got closed) I’m looking for shells. Linux or Unix. With Git installed. I’ll barely use any disk space and it will probe the websites at most once/day (at night, when you won’t…