Category: Software

  • The Enshittification Lifecycle of SaaS

    The Enshittification Lifecycle of SaaS

    Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. […] This is enshittification: Surpluses are first directed to users; then, once they’re…

  • Mounting a whole disk with partitions

    Mounting a whole disk with partitions

    I reinstalled one of my RPis (moving from 32 to 64 bit). Before doing the full reinstall, I took a dump (dd) of my disk. Usually, I create one per partition, but this was the Christmas season, and I was half occupied with feasting and half occupied with entertaining Ila. So, mistakes were made. I…

  • NetworkManager exit status 1

    NetworkManager exit status 1

    Recently reinstalled NextDNS on a RPi4 64bit and came across this error: It seems like NextDNS was actually running, but just throwing an error when running nextdns activate. Restarting did seem to work without throwing any error. The logs showed the same error: The solution was (as root): Looks like, instead of resolvconf, openresolv was…

  • Google TV recommendations

    Google TV recommendations

    Google recently updated their Google TV, to include “in your face” supposedly recommendations. I don’t mind recommendations if…: a/ they are useful (i.e. I don’t see how kid shows are something I’d be interested in; and Google has no idea Ila exists, and she’s at least 2-3 years too young to watch those shows anyway).…

  • Kagi


    It’s now been roughly 6 months I’ve switched from DuckDuckGo to Kagi. I started paying right away after roughly the one month trial. I had not been very happy with DDG; mostly the results were very low quality (having to switch back to Google one too many times; results often lagged behind by months of…

  • Mastodon server: R2

    Mastodon server: R2

    This is a very short post because to be honest, I didn’t figure much out myself. My uploads/static files are now saved in R2 under its own URL (part of my enterprise zone) so that my normal caching rules and other settings are applied. Add these to your application.env file: The token/API key is a…

  • Free speech

    Free speech

    I specifically disagree with his stance on free speech, because I think that it depends on your interpretation of what free speech means. If you allow the most intolerant voices to be as loud as they want to, you’re going to shut down voices of different opinions as well. So allowing free speech by just…

  • Heads we win, tails he loses

    Heads we win, tails he loses

    Regardless of what happens to Twitter, Elon Musk is without a doubt the most interesting man in the world right now. He’s positioned himself at the intersection of so many trends and topics that it’s hard to keep count, and through it all, he’s tweeting memes. It’s the greatest show on earth, no work of…

  • Using Mastodon with Cloudflare

    Using Mastodon with Cloudflare

    If you’re using Mastodon with Cloudflare CDN/protection and minify turned on, you’ll notice the site may look broken (after a few visits, when hitting Cloudflare cache). And you’ll notice errors in the webdev tools similar to Failed to find a valid digest in the ‘integrity’ attribute, with computed SHA-256 integrity: Basically, the sha256 hash doesn’t…