Category: Software

  • Mac OS X + SSD tweaks

    Came across a pretty cool howto to tweak your SSD on a Mac. Only thing I noticed is setting the hibernate mode to 0 made my mac randomly wake up a few seconds after it went to sleep (and happened most often when closing the lid, less often when clicking the sleep button; randomly closing…

  • nginx reverse proxy with caching

    Playing around and searching the web I enabled some decent caching now. Here are some stats: image+html and php. Note that the php on apache (recompiled each request, about 1.5-2sec between every request) versus the cached output has a huge difference. Difference between images and static text files aren’t that huge. Also note that nginx…

  • nginx reverse proxy IP

    The issue with the wrong IP address being shown when using nginx as reverse proxy can easily be solved with mod_rpaf. – – [22/May/2010:16:33:46 +0200] “GET /2010/05/nginx-reverse-proxy/ HTTP/1.0” 200 6184 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.53 Safari/533.4” 1766 6503 vs – –…

  • nginx reverse proxy

    I’ve been playing around a bit with nginx and its reverse proxy module. The “real” website is accessible here, whereas the cached version is here. I’m deliberately making a difference between cache.* and live.* as blog.tuinslak.* might move to the cached version lateron. The question, is it useful to reverse proxy this blog? No, probably…

  • nginx + fastcgi PHP

    I recently migrated vm1 to nginx instead of lighttpd. Just for the sake of playing and testing around. As there’s a PHP page as well, I had to set up fastcgi with PHP. I mainly followed this tutorial to try to get PHP working. However, every PHP page I visited returned following error: No input…

  • OpenVPN packet drops

    I recently started to notice following error messages on my openVPN server. ovpn-server[6306]: MULTI: packet dropped due to output saturation (multi_process_incoming_tun) This basically means that the TUN or TAP interface is making more packets than the real (TCP) interface can handle. As I need to run OpenVPN using the TCP protocol (instead of the…

  • OpenVPN & Windows 7

    There’s a great GUI out for OpenVPN & Windows, located here. However, this GUI includes an old OpenVPN, that is no longer compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The TUN/TAP driver will be blocked due to compatibility issues, and when trying to connect to a VPN, you’ll get an error along the lines of:…

  • Turning off Driver Signing in Windows 7

    To disable it, as administrator, open cmd.exe (win button + R -> cmd -> [enter]), and copy paste the following 2 lines: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON Reboot, enjoy. No more annoying messages. 🙂

  • uptimed php file

    If you’re running uptimed (or uprecords) and what to display it in a simple php page, you’ll notice the bold text makes the page somewhat ugly. Use this file to remove the bold chars and make it readable. Examples: zero, one, four, vm1, Sauron