Category: Software
Mac OS X + SSD tweaks
Came across a pretty cool howto to tweak your SSD on a Mac. Only thing I noticed is setting the hibernate mode to 0 made my mac randomly wake up a few seconds after it went to sleep (and happened most often when closing the lid, less often when clicking the sleep button; randomly closing…
nginx reverse proxy with caching
Playing around and searching the web I enabled some decent caching now. Here are some stats: image+html and php. Note that the php on apache (recompiled each request, about 1.5-2sec between every request) versus the cached output has a huge difference. Difference between images and static text files aren’t that huge. Also note that nginx…
nginx reverse proxy IP
The issue with the wrong IP address being shown when using nginx as reverse proxy can easily be solved with mod_rpaf. – – [22/May/2010:16:33:46 +0200] “GET /2010/05/nginx-reverse-proxy/ HTTP/1.0” 200 6184 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.53 Safari/533.4” 1766 6503 vs – –…
nginx reverse proxy
I’ve been playing around a bit with nginx and its reverse proxy module. The “real” website is accessible here, whereas the cached version is here. I’m deliberately making a difference between cache.* and live.* as blog.tuinslak.* might move to the cached version lateron. The question, is it useful to reverse proxy this blog? No, probably…
nginx + fastcgi PHP
I recently migrated vm1 to nginx instead of lighttpd. Just for the sake of playing and testing around. As there’s a PHP page as well, I had to set up fastcgi with PHP. I mainly followed this tutorial to try to get PHP working. However, every PHP page I visited returned following error: No input…
OpenVPN packet drops
I recently started to notice following error messages on my openVPN server. ovpn-server[6306]: MULTI: packet dropped due to output saturation (multi_process_incoming_tun) This basically means that the TUN or TAP interface is making more packets than the real (TCP) interface can handle. As I need to run OpenVPN using the TCP protocol (instead of the…
OpenVPN & Windows 7
There’s a great GUI out for OpenVPN & Windows, located here. However, this GUI includes an old OpenVPN, that is no longer compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The TUN/TAP driver will be blocked due to compatibility issues, and when trying to connect to a VPN, you’ll get an error along the lines of:…
Turning off Driver Signing in Windows 7
To disable it, as administrator, open cmd.exe (win button + R -> cmd -> [enter]), and copy paste the following 2 lines: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON Reboot, enjoy. No more annoying messages. 🙂
uptimed php file
If you’re running uptimed (or uprecords) and what to display it in a simple php page, you’ll notice the bold text makes the page somewhat ugly. Use this file to remove the bold chars and make it readable. Examples: zero, one, four, vm1, Sauron