After careful consideration with my lawyer Ywein Van den Brande, I have decided to put iRail back online.
The copy of the letter to the NMBS/SNCB can be viewed here.
Minor modifications have been made to make it work correctly again with the new route planner of the NMBS/SNCB (changelog); and I’ll keep working on it to optimise it (next on the todo list is a better results page). Also, feedback is always welcome… But mail me; not the NMBS/SNCB. 😉
Also, dear NMBS/SNCB, please provide us with an API. Clearly, I’m not the only one interested in open data and APIs. This would make small projects like this quite a bit easier and would greatly increase the end quality. Data scraping just doesn’t fit web2.0.
I’d like to gratefully thank everyone for the amazing support, and special thanks go to Ywein Van den Brande, Sébastien Boelpaep and Vincent Van Quickenborne.
Have a nice day,
Yeri Tiete
Edit: Due to a bug in the querying, not all station information is displayed correctly and an error page is shown. Working to get it solved.
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