Tag: usa
Kids and urban space
My local council recently bought a bunch of warehouses and turned them into a public park with a playground. What used to be a barren, semi-industrial area suddenly came alive with people and plants. Everyone visiting the park looked in surprise at the playground wondering the same thing: ‘Where have all of these kids been…
Kids stopped walking to school
Via Kottke.
The Rules for Rulers
“We’re constantly being told that doing anything about the astronomical growth and the average size of motor vehicles would infringe on the freedoms of people to do whatever they want. But your freedom to swing your arm ends where my face begins, and SUVs are a giant punch in the face to everyone who doesn’t…
Jon Stewart calmly dismantles gun zealot
Source: Kottke
Amanda Gorman inauguration poem
Because it’s been two years, and both the world and the US still has a lot of work ahead.
Source: Kottke
Bike snow plow
Source: Hackaday
2022 by Vox