Category: Hardware
FlatTurtle is go
Yay, after many months-o-slack it went finally live a few days ago. The prototype that is. Soon in every building ! 😉 Thanks to everyone who helped out! 🙂
I recently bought a Xoom, WiFi version. This will be my short review about this Xoom. First of all, this is a Xoom made solely for Google employees. It has the Google logo on it, and a green back side. As far as I know there is no public way to get the device with…
Oh lord. I seem to have entirely forgotten One’s, euh, uptime-day. (Yea, blame my business trips in Beijing & San Francisco for that). But… Over 2 years! yay
Squid MRTG stats
I talked about MRTG stats for Squid in the past but apparently forgot to include the .mib file. So, here it is. Download this file and put it in /usr/share/squid/mib.txt. I don’t quite remember where I found that mib file. Probably included with Squid on Gentoo or the world wide web… But I couldn’t find…
MRTG and network interfaces
I tend to restart OpenVPN a lot due to config changes. As a result, this brings quite some issues to MRTG (or more precisely, SNMP), due to the fact tun devices change of ID. A while back, I found a quick fix for this; rename the interface targets from their respective ID to their name:…
Theme, blog, and stuff
As you noticed… Or perhaps didn’t notice, I’ve started using a new, simplistic theme a couple of days ago. Kinda thought it might be too simplistic (I’ve hidden the sidebar, there’s no search or archive, etc), but I started to, you know, get attached to it. So it’s here to stay, for a year or…
Mounting a RAMFS disk at boot in Mac OS X
I received a question about creating a RAMFS for Mac OS X’ /tmp folder, so I’ll post my reply here as well. It’s really simple; Open Terminal (Applications -> Utilities), type “sudo su” and enter your user’s password. Create a new file in /Library/LaunchDaemons, like this: “nano -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.yeri.ramfs.plist” (you can rename yeri to whatever…