Tag: youtube
Third Place
I guess that’s one thing that I do miss in Singapore: informal places that are affordable (almost everything here costs money) and that are not shopping malls (exactly what he mentions in the video). Sure, there are bars, but they are usually expensive and atas, and not the place people go for an informal chitchat…
What if a supernova hits earth?
Japanese produce lumber without cutting trees: Daisugi
[…] Shoots from the base of the tree are pruned so that the trunk stays straight. […] The technique results in a harvest of straight logs without having to cut down the entire tree. Although originally a forestry management technique, daisugi has also found its way into Japanese gardens. Daisugi Not the most exciting narrators,…
Why Don’t We Shoot Nuclear Waste Into Space?
Fishing slavery
Biking in (snowy) winter
Fable of the Dragon Tyrant
Fitting for Global Warming (and likely plenty of other weird stuff humans got accustomed to), but apparently the story is about death.
Real Actors Read Yelp: Barilla