Tag: WTF
Bad Gramma’
It has been a while since I had something interesting to say. Anyway, I’ve recently found out, from pretty good sources, that Mibbit is logging all conversations sent trough the website. This might include NickServ/authentication passwords. There is no official EULA stating this is being done, thus being a violation of privacy. (but who cares…
Dad at Comedy Barn
Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Multiple Memory Access Vulnerabilities Linux Kernel
Well, it had to happen… Yesterday evening two of our linux boxes were exploited. I had to try it out for myself; and yes, it really does work. 😐 Booted up my Ubuntu in Parallels, installed build-essential & ran that program! sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc what-ever-the-file-name-is.c ./a.out This is what it looks like: My-oh-my……
User-Agent ……/1.0
While checking the logs of one of my websites I noticed something rather weird. Some person ( with User-Agent/browser “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows NT; ……/1.0 )” was downloading _all_ files from my website. Totally ignoring robots.txt and requesting pages without providing a referral. This seemed quite odd and didn’t seem to be a decent/real…
School exams
Whilst reading over “Chapter I: The Internet” in my Hypermedia course; I couldn’t help noticing a few things. I quote: All IP’s of local PC’s in a local network begin with “192.168” DNS is a service on the internet that links hard to remember IP’s to easy to remember domain names A PC with a…