Tag: uk
History of GTA
GTA in 1996
Train brakes in the 70s
How Putin’s Oligarchs Hide Their Billions
Slime Moulds
While I am sadly allergic (… in my eyes, of all places) to moulds — these things are super pretty. This is the time for humanityto do more research on moulds and mycelium. I am convinced there’s hidden potential in fungi. Via Kottke, via barrywebbimages. Images copyrighted by Barry Webb. Check out the Instagram account.…
NEWS JUST IN: TV is dead.
Forget Childish Gambino. Meet Wildish Bambino and his hilarious parody, This is the TV, with@LennyHenry. pic.twitter.com/vY7JZUcitN — BBC One (@BBCOne) August 27, 2018
Due process
GCHQ hacks Belgacom
And thus, we can assume, they had (have?) access to a lot of European instances and personnel, both residing here in Belgium and roaming using BGC’s network. And not a single fuck was giving. Not one. Please remain calm and keep on hypnotoad. If GCHQ was indeed the agency concerned then this investigation is unlikely…