Tag: politics
Not sure what to think
About this… President Obama announced a plan to limit the sale of combat weapons and, hours later, those kinds of guns are out of stock in Wal-Mart
NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance
God bless America
60 Second Adventures in Economics
RoboCopyright: How The Copyright Police are ruining the internet
Are Your Politicians For Sale?
Kim Dotcom – Mr President
‘Cause it’s a catchy song… 😉
It’s been 2 years
Since my life changed… Drastically… 😉 David v Goliath. @Tuinslak zet iRail terug online. https://yeri.be/cb PRO OpenData, PRO OpenGov. — Vincent VQuickborne (@VincentVQ) July 6, 2010
ACTA & De Gucht
[…] In other words, De Gucht won’t accept the idea that the European electorate, through their representatives in the European Parliament, might possibly want to reject something they were not allowed to know about until late in the negotiating process, and to which they were unable to provide any meaningful input. In his view, ACTA…