Tag: parallels

  • Multiple Memory Access Vulnerabilities Linux Kernel

    Well, it had to happen… Yesterday evening two of our linux boxes were exploited. I had to try it out for myself; and yes, it really does work. 😐 Booted up my Ubuntu in Parallels, installed build-essential & ran that program! sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc what-ever-the-file-name-is.c ./a.out This is what it looks like: My-oh-my……

  • Parallels + Ubuntu

    I finally got a reply from the Parallels support team. After using the alternate Parallels installer it finally works again! Even after rebooting Mac! joy Before trying to run Vista/Bootcamp through Parallels again, I’m waiting till the end of my exams (Thursday). Don’t want to blow up my Windows install again when I’m in desperate…