Tag: munin

  • Munin + Raspberry Pi + temperature: updated

    I got a mail in my inbox about a week ago from Anthony, telling me how to improve my Munin & temp script for a RPi: Hi, I just read your (old) blog post about monitoring the temperature of the Raspberry Pi with munin[1]. I had the exact same error as you did when I was…

  • Graph amount of OpenVPN users to Munin

    Rather simple script. Using log file instead of management interface. Part has to run as Root (due to Munin most likely not having access to read the log files. Working with the management interface could solve this. Create /usr/local/bin/getVpnUsers.sh: #!/bin/bash echo “VPN.value `cat /var/log/openvpn-status.log | sed -e ‘1,/Common Name/d’ | sed -e ‘/ROUTING TABLE/,$d’ |…

  • Munin + Raspberry Pi + temperature

    Quick hack to get Munin to graph the cpu temperature. First of all, install Munin and make sure it’s working. Then follow these steps: 1) We’ll use cron to write the current temp to a log file. We do this because I wasn’t able to get Munin to directly execute the command (error: temp.value VCHI initialization…