FlatTurtle blog

After letting our blog gather dust since 2015, I’m excited to announce a fresh start. 😉 We’ve been busy with other projects, but now we’ve exported all our content from Tumblr and transitioned to a Hugo static site.

This is my first time working with Hugo, and I must say, it’s quite impressive. I’m using the seamless integration with Cloudflare Pages, allowing for automatic deployment from a git push. Makes it super easy. Having it all in git also allows Nik to post something without having to worry about deploying.

While the export/import process mostly relatively smoothly, it required quite a bit of editing. I’ve saved the most crucial scripts here for historical reference. These should help you get started on migrating HTML to Markdown files. Note that the Tumblr IDs are used as titles, which isn’t ideal, but it’s a starting point.

Thrilled to have the new blog live at blog.FlatTurtle.com. Check it out!

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