Category: Networking
NextDNS, EdgeOS and device names
Noticed that NextDNS was reporting old hostnames in the logs. For example old device names (devices that changed hostnames), devices that were definitely no longer on the network, or IPs that were matched to the wrong hostnames. The culprit is how EdgeOS deals with its hosts file. Basically it just keeps all the old hosts…
Running WireGuard in a Docker container (RPi)
This follows the my two other posts about WireGuard. Most of this can be copied from the amd64 post — with a minor change for making it work on RPi4. This is the full git repo (including both rpi and amd64). The main difference is in the file. The installation is a bit different…
Resilio Sync on Synology stuck?
The Resilio Sync package that’s provided on a Synology NAS’ Packager Center is out of date (2.6.2) and has a bug that causes big files to fail to sync (and that causes a loop of endless retries). The solution is to manually update the package from 2.6.2 to 2.6.4. Find your NAS architecture and then…
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.19.0-8-amd64 (x86_64)
I was rebuilding my WireGuard Docker container today and this error started popping up: The solution was to install bc. Seems like Debian is not pulling the right dependencies. I’ll be adding it to my Dockerfile.
Running WireGuard in a Docker container (amd64)
This is the 2nd post about WireGuard. So I am running two WireGuard servers — one on a Raspberry Pi 4, and one in an amd64 virtual machine. This post will be about getting WireGuard working on amd64 in a Docker container. As this container rarely get rebuild, I am running unattended-upgrades inside the container…
This is the first post of several. Next posts will focus on running WireGuard inside a Docker container on amd64 Linux and a Raspberry Pi. I’ve been running WireGuard for a few months now and I’ve been loving it. I first started using it about a year ago when in China — OpenVPN was once…
Back in the days — when I was 16 or so — Smokeping was the rage. Every colo provider in Amsterdam, every NOC, they all had their own Smokeping. Playing around with Docker I saw some Smokeping image and that made me want to set it up again. I’m running Smokeping on my server in…
Box — Docker shell server
A couple of months ago I had the great idea to set up a shell server in Docker. Simply because my docker skillz were quite rusty and a shell server was something I actually genuinely needed. Shell servers… so 2005. I remember in the good old IRC days people asking for (free) shell servers to…
NextDNS + EdgeRouter + Redirecting DNS requests
Realised I haven’t updated this in a long while (life happened). Couple of weeks ago I started to play with NextDNS — and I really recommend anyone that’s something privacy minded and cares about the stuff happening on their network. I’ve set up several configs (home, parents, FlatTurtle TurtleBox (the NUCs controlling the screens)) and…