Category: Misc
Fishing slavery
Biking in (snowy) winter
Fable of the Dragon Tyrant
Fitting for Global Warming (and likely plenty of other weird stuff humans got accustomed to), but apparently the story is about death.
Real Actors Read Yelp: Barilla
Medical waste
Real Actors Read Yelp: Dunkin’ Donut
On the Beating of Children
[…] The story illustrates the level of violence we accept amongst children in otherwise non-violent societies, but it gets even worse: differing speeds of development lead to huge differences in size and strength, meaning bullying is often like getting picked on by a Shaq-like giant. […] Yes, in the developed world “corporal punishment” (literally “bodily…
The Big [CENSORED] Theory
Really, really good analysis by The Pudding. When these shows resurfaced, they were full of these weird jumps, signaling that scenes were removed during censorship because someone somewhere thought it would be inappropriate or illegal to stream such content. […] 77 of the first 100 episodes had at least one edit, amounting to 206 removed…